V2X – Safe Car News https://safecarnews.com Driver Assistance to Autonomous Vehicles Fri, 15 Nov 2019 11:22:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://safecarnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/logo-3-web1-150x90.png V2X – Safe Car News https://safecarnews.com 32 32 5GAA live demos show C-V2X as a market reality https://safecarnews.com/5gaa-live-demos-show-c-v2x-as-a-market-reality/ https://safecarnews.com/5gaa-live-demos-show-c-v2x-as-a-market-reality/#respond Fri, 15 Nov 2019 11:22:20 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18993 Smart mobility technology is a reality, with ‘Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything’ (C-V2X) allowing connected vehicles to communicate with the cloud, directly with each other and their surroundings. Deployment plans are primarily sustained by the global trend in the automotive industry to adopt 4G LTE cellular technology, followed by the emerging 5G high-speed low latency communications. Beyond infotainment, C-V2X will capitalize on vehicular and smartphone connectivity to contribute to better safety, less congestion and reduced emissions.

During a live demo event in Turin, the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) showcased ready to deploy use cases in the streets of the city and a sneak preview of what the future has in store on the renowned Lingotto rooftop test track.

Prominent members and partners of the 5GAA including Audi, Continental, Ericsson, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Harman Samsung, Marelli, Pirelli, Qualcomm, TIM and Vodafone demonstrated the current state of C-V2X and the road to future, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), and Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) applications based on 4G LTE and 5G.

Using both direct short-range communications and mobile networks, the open-road demonstrations showcased the extensive capabilities of today’s C-V2X technology, ready for deployment. To name a few:

  • Protecting vulnerable road users, for instance, by alerting drivers about a pedestrian at a crossing using LTE-connected infrastructure.
  • Smoothing traffic by allowing public authorities and road operators to provide real-time warnings to drivers in urban environments concerning roadworks or speed limits, via the network.
  • Preventing incidents at dangerous intersections or in the event of unexpected braking, thanks to C-V2X direct-short range communications between vehicles.

The track demonstrations at Lingotto underlined the enhanced safety benefits that can be expected thanks to the versatility of 5G and the wide range of services it enables. To name a few:

  • Vehicles will geo-tag dangerous areas for the following cars or provide ‘see-through’ functions to avoid dangerous overtaking.
  • Pedestrians will be detected directly via their smartphones and surrounding vehicles will be warned.
  • In case of accidents, emergency services will be able to visualize the situation live using on-board cameras of surrounding vehicles, improving response times and providing emergency responders situational awareness prior to arriving at the crash scene.

Furthermore, Intel showcased an “In Vehicle Entertainment” demo at the Museum, in collaboration with Marelli, TerraNet and Equinix, showing how Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) can support immersive high-definition (HD) entertainment for all occupants of a moving vehicle, including video streaming, gaming, virtual reality (VR), office work, online education, advertisement.

A short summary on each of the 5GAA C-V2X use cases, demonstrated today in Turin

Demo 1 “Vulnerable Road Users”: open road demos on safety

In this trial – which is part of Torino Smart Roads Initiative patronized by the Municipality of Turin – TIM, Links Foundation and Luxoft showed how the communication between the various actors moving along the roads can help in detecting potentially dangerous situations. The goal of the demos was to demonstrate how the 5G mobile network facilitates the protection of Vulnerable Road Users: pedestrians (“Presence of a pedestrian on a crosswalk”) and cyclists (“Presence of a connected bike on the road”). In the case of a pedestrian approaching a crosswalk, a Roadside Unit connected to the mobile network, equipped with a camera able to detect the event, sent a warning message to the nearby connected vehicles (I2V communication). In the case of a connected bike and a connected vehicle that are approaching each other, the two vehicles received a warning message about their presence when a risk of collision is detected.

Demo 2 “Urban Georeferenced Alerting” in open roads

TIM, FCA, Links Foundation, City of Turin with 5T, and Politecnico di Torino showed how the Local Traffic Authority in Turin intends to notify drivers in real time of possible dangers and special situations on the road (traffic jam, road works warning, dynamic speed limit, etc.). A standard geo-referenced warning message was dispatched to a TIM AMQP broker” at the edge of the 5G mobile network and only the involved vehicles received the geo-localized message from the AMQP Broker using the TIM 5G Network. The warning was read and displayed in an FCA vehicle through the on-board HMI and can for instance notify the driver of upcoming speed reduction. The aim of the trial was to demonstrate how the TIM 5G Network is suitable for realizing smart roads services for connected cars. The solution is compliant with the standards so it can be applied in other locations covered with mobile networks.

Demo 3 Intersection Movement Assist (IMA), Forward collision Warning (FCW)

FCA and Harman Samsung showcased two Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) demos, by integrating C-V2X direct-short range communication into Maserati Levante and Quattroporte. The vehicles, through a direct radio link (network-less radio link), anonymously communicated basic information such as their position and related direction.

The Forward Collision Warning (FCW), detected possible frontal collision and warned the driver accordingly. The Intersection Movement Assist (IMA), assisted the driver at the cross junctions to avoid a possible lateral collision with an oncoming vehicle.

Demo 4 Emergency Electronic Brake Light (EEBL), Stationary Vehicle Warning (SVW)

FCA, Continental, and Qualcomm demonstrated fast and reliable information exchange between vehicles in emergency situations. The two demos are based on C-V2X direct-short range technology, enabling Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication between two Jeep Renegade. There were two portions to this demo:

“Stationary Vehicle Warning” (SVW): when the hazard lights are activated, the application broadcasted a message to all nearby vehicles so that approaching vehicles could be informed even if the hazard was not visible.

“Emergency Electronic Brake Light warning” (EEBL): in the event of a sudden braking, the application broadcasted a message to following vehicles, such that approaching vehicles were notified of the potentially dangerous situation.

Demo 5 See-through

Vodafone, FCA, Vodafone Automotive, Marelli and Altran revealed the ‘See Through’ that uses C-V2X long-range cellular network communication to exchange streamed video in real time between vehicles, extending the driver’s visual range under obstructed visibility scenarios and to prevent accidents, especially those that may occur in an overtaking phase. The two involved Jeep Renegades vehicles were equipped with a connectivity solution (Marelli) and high frame-rate cameras (Marelli Motorsport) to detect the road lanes.

A real time tracking system and a space mapping algorithm of the vehicles, specifically developed by Vodafone Automotive, allowed Vodafone’s Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) to dynamically manage and route the video flows on the basis of the vehicles’ relative positions and to ensure minimal end-to-end latency in the interest of drivers’ safety. Vodafone 5G ultra-low latency and high reliability were paramount to ensure the flow and synchrony of the real-time video exchange between vehicles, also under high traffic and cell saturation conditions.

Demo 6 World-first 5G-enhanced ADAS services

Audi, Ericsson, Italdesign, KTH, Pirelli, Qualcomm, TIM and Tobii showed how smart cars, commercial 5G smartphones and 5G networks jointly improve comfort, safety and efficiency. This unique collaboration combined the power of eye-tracking glasses, intelligent tires, in-vehicle augmented reality and 5G phones to work together over a live 5G network. With its high capacity and low latency, cellular 5G connectivity is ready to enable instantaneous cooperation between vehicles, the IoT ecosystem and more advanced driver assistance services. The live demonstrations at the Turin Lingotto test track were based on TIM’s commercial 5G network delivered in Turin in partnership with Ericsson. Audi cars, equipped with Pirelli Cyber Tyre, and embedded 5G modems provided by Qualcomm and available 5G smartphones were utilized to enhance pedestrian’s safety.

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Volkswagen and NXP deliver safety to European roads with roll-out of communicating car technology https://safecarnews.com/volkswagen-and-nxp-deliver-safety-to-european-roads-with-roll-out-of-communicating-car-technology/ https://safecarnews.com/volkswagen-and-nxp-deliver-safety-to-european-roads-with-roll-out-of-communicating-car-technology/#respond Wed, 30 Oct 2019 03:01:53 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18892 NXP Semiconductors announced the rollout of its life-saving RoadLINK V2X communication solution in the new Volkswagen Golf. The recently released Golf of the 8th generation is the first volume European car model equipped with V2X, offering a major boost to the deployment of the technology on European roads and beyond. The technology can prevent accidents by having cars communicate with each other, independent of car brands and without the support of cellular infrastructure.

NXP and Volkswagen have closely collaborated for high-reliability and performance, as well as for  standardization of V2X communication that addresses cybersecurity and privacy protection.

V2X in Europe

Wi-Fi based V2X is a mature technology that has been tested for more than 10 years. Presently,1000 km of European roads are equipped with V2X technology based on Wi-Fi with 5000 km planned through the end of 2019. Its research and development, testing and standardization has occurred within a strong global eco-system of suppliers and car manufacturers to ensure reliability in diverse road and traffic conditions. Wi-Fi therefore forms the basis of the European standard that has been chosen for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. An additional benefit is its availability independent of paid cellular services. Other developing cellular based technologies can be added complementary to Wi-Fi-based V2X.

V2X communication is set to become a critical part of advanced driving assistance systems and the migration to autonomous cars that communicate with each other and with traffic infrastructure. The unique benefit of Wi-Fi-based V2X is its robust, low latency, real-time communication – regardless of any car brands.

  • It enables awareness and communication between cars, road infrastructure like traffic lights or street signs, and other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.
  • It is a technology that is collaborative, allowing it to “tap into” surrounding sensor data from mutually equipped cars to warn of hazards and prevent accidents.
  • V2X is a technology that complements other ADAS sensing technologies such as radar, LiDAR and cameras.
  • It helps vehicles to “see” more than a mile ahead and around corners to provide early warning of obstacles, hazards, and road conditions.
  • It has the ability to “see” through objects, delivering more information than that obtained through line of sight only.
  • Its sensing capabilities are unaffected by poor weather conditions.
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Autotalks’ C-V2X solution is market-ready for China, following successful interoperability and conformance testing https://safecarnews.com/autotalks-c-v2x-solution-is-market-ready-for-china-following-successful-interoperability-and-conformance-testing/ https://safecarnews.com/autotalks-c-v2x-solution-is-market-ready-for-china-following-successful-interoperability-and-conformance-testing/#respond Wed, 30 Oct 2019 03:01:45 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18894 Autotalks, a provider of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication solutions, successfully showcased its chipset’s conformance to the Chinese C-V2X standard and the Chinese OSCCA security standard in the first-ever large-scale interoperability demonstration of multi-brand C-V2X communication. This demo brought together over 20 automotive companies which formed about 50 demonstration teams including leading automakers, all major chip-makers, and terminal and security solution providers working together in a real-world setting. The IMT-2020/CAICV/China SAE 2019 C-V2X “Four Layers” Interoperability Application Demonstration was part of the China SAE Congress and Exhibition that was held on October 22-24 in Shanghai, China.

Autotalks’ chipset was used by five different automakers: Renault-Nissan, Brilliance Auto, FAW, Great Wall and another major European OEM, which conducted demonstration rides for hundreds of visitors, exhibiting conformance and interoperability at all levels: chipset, system, software and security. The demonstration included both Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) applications with security enabled according to Chinese OSCCA standard for the first time. Protection of the V2X system against cybersecurity attacks through Road Side Units (RSUs), was evident through the demonstration rides.

Autotalks has been working closely with its Tier1 and ecosystem partners to ensure end-to-end conformance and interoperability, which is a prerequisite for mass deployment of C-V2X. Leading up to the IMT-2020/CAICV/China SAE event, Autotalks successfully completed interoperability testing with all other C-V2X chipset vendors.

Recently, Autotalks and Neusoft signed a cooperation agreement aimed at forming a strategic partnership for creating a highly reliable and truly secure global V2X solution. The two companies launched and successfully demonstrated this joint product with four car-makers as part of the IMT-2020/CAICV/China SAE “Four Layers” Demonstration.

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NI accelerates Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) communication to help develop safer cars https://safecarnews.com/ni-accelerates-cellular-vehicle-to-everything-c-v2x-communication-to-help-develop-safer-cars/ https://safecarnews.com/ni-accelerates-cellular-vehicle-to-everything-c-v2x-communication-to-help-develop-safer-cars/#respond Wed, 25 Sep 2019 11:22:36 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18742 NI, the provider of a software-defined platform that helps accelerate the development and performance of automated test and automated measurement systems, announced the S.E.A. C-V2X Open Loop Test System, leveraging 5G wireless cellular technology to provide high bandwidth and low latency communication for Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. 

NI is collaborating with S.E.A., an NI Alliance Partner, to help maximize the full potential of connected and intelligent mobility by providing a software-defined approach to help automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers validate the safety and efficiency of the cars. As the 3GPP standards evolve, including 5G NR capability with 3GPP Release 16 scheduled for 2020, a software-defined platform provides OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers the flexibility to adapt to the latest technology with minimum hardware and software changes.

Using cellular technology for physical layer communication, C-V2X benefits from considerable investments in cellular communication, including 5G, and a vast ecosystem of technology. For this technology to work, contributors will need to standardize on communication, understand how systems from multiple vendors interact and characterize behavior in real-world scenarios.  Eventually, 5G is expected to provide increased throughput and lower latency for autonomous vehicle communications, downloading high-definition maps, and advanced pedestrian interactions. With most projects still in the early stages of evaluation and standards still materializing, automotive OEMs, automotive suppliers and academic researchers are investing in the tools that will adapt as C-V2X technology evolves. 

The new C-V2X solution combines software from NI Alliance Partner, S.E.A. GmbH, with NI software-defined radio (SDR) hardware to send real signals to RF and GNSS channels on C-V2X controllers and telematics control units. By articulating the C-V2X and GNSS signals to the C-V2X controller, the new C-V2X solution can simulate real signals from an emergency brake warning or four-way stop and help engineers characterize device performance in the lab. The new C-V2X solution includes pre-compiled drive scenarios like left turn assist, emergency brake warning and traffic jam warning to accelerate time to first measurement. 

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GSMA and 5GAA sign cooperation agreement to boost deployment of connected cars and safer roads https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads-2/ https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads-2/#respond Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:40:57 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18703 Accelerating the deployment of connected cars, the GSMA and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) signed a three-year cooperation agreement. The global trade groups will work across industries to focus on privacy/security, common standards and target the 5.9GHz spectrum band specifically for the internet of vehicles.

In Asia, Europe and the US, ideas around connected and autonomous mobility are expanding to include new industries and technologies. How and what people drive will change radically over the next decade. Collaboration will be key, while governments should remain technology-neutral in their policies on connected vehicles.

https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads-2/feed/ 0
LG Innotek to showcase V2X capabilities in “Automotive World Nagoya 2019” held in Japan https://safecarnews.com/lg-innotek-to-showcase-v2x-capabilities-in-automotive-world-nagoya-2019-held-in-japan/ https://safecarnews.com/lg-innotek-to-showcase-v2x-capabilities-in-automotive-world-nagoya-2019-held-in-japan/#respond Tue, 17 Sep 2019 12:57:37 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18697 LG Innotek announced it will participate in “Automotive World Nagoya 2019”, an automotive technology exhibition held in Port Messe Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan, for three days from 18th to 20th this month.

For communication module parts, the company will introduce V2X modules, including “C-V2X” (Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything) which is attracting attention as the next-generation automotive part, as well as Bluetooth / Wi-Fi modules, cellular modules, and low-power Bluetooth solutions.

LG Innotek’s communication modules are compatible with various standards including communication standards, providing excellent compatibility. They are expected to be key components that will enhance the safety of connected cars and autonomous vehicles in the future due to their excellent durability and reliability.

V2X modules are state-of-the-art products that exchange information between vehicles and objects. In this exhibition, C-V2X module, which can use mobile communication technology, and DSRC-V2X module, which is based on dedicated short range communication (DSRC), will be introduced.

The Bluetooth / Wi-Fi modules are components that implement short-range wireless communication such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in a vehicle. The cellular modules are products that enable services such as emergency rescue, theft prevention, voice call, data communication, and vehicle position check using a mobile communication network.

There is also a space to experience BLE solutions for connectivity between vehicles and smartphones. This technology detects driver’s position automatically and allows him to open and close the vehicle’s door or starting-up.

https://safecarnews.com/lg-innotek-to-showcase-v2x-capabilities-in-automotive-world-nagoya-2019-held-in-japan/feed/ 0
Rajant And Velodyne demonstrate LiDAR over cyber secure wireless at IAA Frankfurt https://safecarnews.com/rajant-and-velodyne-demonstrate-lidar-over-cyber-secure-wireless-at-iaa-frankfurt/ https://safecarnews.com/rajant-and-velodyne-demonstrate-lidar-over-cyber-secure-wireless-at-iaa-frankfurt/#respond Fri, 13 Sep 2019 05:02:07 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18692 Rajant Corporation, the provider of Kinetic Mesh wireless networks and Velodyne Lidar are demonstrating the simplicity of viewing and managing lidar data remotely.

Velodyne Lidar provides high-resolution, long-range lidar for ADAS and autonomous applications. V2V and V2X communication of lidar and fused data is a key component for dynamic updating of traffic and infrastructure information to enable envisioned Smart City applications. Rajant will also be previewing their crypto solution, code-named Wolverine, designed for the military and adapted for commercial applications, along with their wireless V2X technology for last-mile autonomous applications like test tracks.

The Wolverine solution is a fully programmable, multi-chip design, built with programmable flexibility, which provides the ability to add new algorithms in the future and is designed to meet stringent NSA certification requirements. Wolverine contains advanced encryption and authentication algorithms using a fail-safe design to provide design flexibility for multiple IoT applications.

Test tracks, which are used for new vehicle testing, provide many challenges for traditional communication technologies with their winding roads covering vast areas with a limited line of sight. Vehicle monitoring requires significant bi-directional throughput, which neither LTE nor Wi-Fi can provide. Enter Rajant’s V2X based Kinetic Mesh technology that is used by AB Dynamics, a global leader in automotive test systems and ASI, a global leader in vendor-independent vehicle automation systems.

Rajant capabilities enable the creation of secure mesh networks while providing high throughput data transfer between multiple vehicles. This offers greatly improved reliability over standard WLAN technology, making it ideal for vehicle testing. AB Dynamics has adopted this technology for Euro NCAP Autonomous Emergency Braking testing and driverless vehicle testing. It provides low latency data transfer between multiple vehicles or to their Ground Traffic Control system, which is a solution for future vehicle testing that monitors, commands, and coordinates proving ground testing.

https://safecarnews.com/rajant-and-velodyne-demonstrate-lidar-over-cyber-secure-wireless-at-iaa-frankfurt/feed/ 0
GSMA and 5GAA Sign cooperation agreement to boost deployment of connected cars and safer roads https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads/ https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads/#respond Thu, 12 Sep 2019 12:59:35 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18686 Accelerating the deployment of connected cars, the GSMA and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) signed a three-year cooperation agreement. The global trade groups will work across industries to focus on privacy/security, common standards and target the 5.9GHz spectrum band specifically for the internet of vehicles.

In Asia, Europe and the US, ideas around connected and autonomous mobility are expanding to include new industries and technologies. How and what people drive will change radically over the next decade. Collaboration will be key, while governments should remain technology-neutral in their policies on connected vehicles.

The push for C-V2X will not only help save lives, but also, improve the quality of life in smart cities. Each year about 1.35 million people die worldwide in traffic accidents, the majority caused by human error, according to the World Health Organization. As V2X technology evolves that number should decline. The US Department of Transportation estimates that V2X could save more than 1,000 people a year in the US and reduce non-fatal injuries by 2.3 million.

Meanwhile, traffic congestion accounts for 15 billion litres (4 billion gallons) of wasted fuel in the US every year. Cleaner vehicles and smarter route choices will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, 14% of which come from global transportation, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads/feed/ 0
Rohde & Schwarz collaborates with Vector, Savari and Quectel to present a C-V2X solution supporting China’s ITS standard https://safecarnews.com/rohde-schwarz-collaborates-with-vector-savari-and-quectel-to-present-a-c-v2x-solution-supporting-chinas-its-standard/ https://safecarnews.com/rohde-schwarz-collaborates-with-vector-savari-and-quectel-to-present-a-c-v2x-solution-supporting-chinas-its-standard/#respond Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:53:47 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18589 Rohde & Schwarz working together with Vector, Savari and Quectel presented a test solution for C V2X at the MWC Shanghai 2019. The integrated setup is based on the R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester and the R&S SMBV100A/B GNSS simulator by Rohde & Schwarz, together with the comprehensive simulation tool CANoe .Car2x by Vector. The setup utilizes Savari’s proven C-V2X middleware and a testing module by Quectel, providing an end-to-end, upper layers testing solution for the C-V2X technology in compliance with all necessary regional requirements including China’s ITS standard GB/T 31024.

Rohde & Schwarz in collaboration with Vector, Savari and Quectel successfully presented an application layer test solution for 3GPP C-V2X Release 14, specifically aimed at the growing Chinese market. This integrated test platform was presented at the Mobile World Congress in Shanghai 2019 and is a complete solution for simulation development and testing of all V2X-based applications.

The presented C-V2X test solution consists of a device under test C-V2X module AG15 provided by Quectel, running Savari’s MobiWAVE V2X Software Stack and receiving the ITS messages provided by the R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester and the GPS signal by R&S SMBV100B vector signal generator. The R&S CMW500 uses a C-V2X software package needed to simulate the Physical- and MAC-layer in order to transmit and receive data over the PC5 radio interface. Vector’s software environment for V2X application testing, CANoe .Car2x, is used to create and simulate detailed traffic situations for the verification of C-V2X connectivity. Savari’s C-V2X middleware helps demonstrate the outstanding versatility and performance of the R&S CMW500, while presenting a variety of applications ideal for 3GPP LTE-V2X PC5 interoperability testing. It offers the full support of the necessary standards and specifications required for proper functioning in China’s networks, such as the GB/T 31024 standard for the next generation of cooperative intelligent transport systems.

This is the only test solution available that covers all layers, from the physical layer and the RF measurements, the protocol layer and the protocol conformance tests, up to the application layer with the fully integrated ITS stack.

This setup presents an end-to-end solution for testing all related functionalities of C-V2X. This includes both device-to device communication – between a vehicle and another vehicle (V2V), a vehicle and a pedestrian (V2P), a vehicle and the surrounding road infrastructure (V2I), and device-to-network (V2N) type of communication.

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Unex Technology V2X system-on-module integrated with NoTraffic smart traffic management platform to improve road safety and efficiency https://safecarnews.com/unex-technology-v2x-system-on-module-integrated-with-notraffic-smart-traffic-management-platform-to-improve-road-safety-and-efficiency/ https://safecarnews.com/unex-technology-v2x-system-on-module-integrated-with-notraffic-smart-traffic-management-platform-to-improve-road-safety-and-efficiency/#respond Thu, 22 Aug 2019 11:51:06 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18570 Unex, a provider of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) systems, and NoTraffic, an autonomous traffic management platform which solves today’s traffic challenges while paving the road for connected and autonomous era, are cooperating on integrating V2X with Smart Traffic Management Platform. The AI and computing sensors equipped platform by NoTraffic integrated with Unex’s SOM-301, which provides traffic optimization and information exchange between infrastructure and vehicles through Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications.

Based on Autotalks’ CRATON2/PLUTON2 global V2X chipset capable of DSRC and C-V2X, Unex’s SOM-301 is a self-contained System-on-Module that integrates V2X essential hardware and software components and features Unex’s V2Xcast technology. V2Xcast is an integrated modular framework which provides V2X communication and supports V2X application deployment with flexibility and scalability. In this case, the self-contained V2X System-on-Module enables V2X application on Smart Traffic Management Platform.

NoTraffic provides an autonomous traffic management platform that integrates the edge computing line-of-sight sensors such as camera and radar to collect data with access to its cloud-based dashboard, and uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify and track all road users to mitigate traffic impact. When SOM-301 integrated with NoTraffic’s platform, the solution is capable of identifying various road users and communicate this information using DSRC or C-V2X to oncoming vehicles. Further, the role for V2X is 360-degree non-line-of-sight sensing that can exchange safety messages between infrastructure and vehicles. Vehicles will alert drivers and, in the future, automatically brake to avoid accidents during an emergency. V2X together with AI algorithms, both technologies enable traffic optimization by cutting congestion, reducing emissions and preventing accidents.

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