5GAA – Safe Car News https://safecarnews.com Driver Assistance to Autonomous Vehicles Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:40:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://safecarnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/logo-3-web1-150x90.png 5GAA – Safe Car News https://safecarnews.com 32 32 GSMA and 5GAA sign cooperation agreement to boost deployment of connected cars and safer roads https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads-2/ https://safecarnews.com/gsma-and-5gaa-sign-cooperation-agreement-to-boost-deployment-of-connected-cars-and-safer-roads-2/#respond Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:40:57 +0000 https://safecarnews.com/?p=18703 Accelerating the deployment of connected cars, the GSMA and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) signed a three-year cooperation agreement. The global trade groups will work across industries to focus on privacy/security, common standards and target the 5.9GHz spectrum band specifically for the internet of vehicles.

In Asia, Europe and the US, ideas around connected and autonomous mobility are expanding to include new industries and technologies. How and what people drive will change radically over the next decade. Collaboration will be key, while governments should remain technology-neutral in their policies on connected vehicles.

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